
Michelle's tears and joy

  天意弄人,米雪正值拍攝《女人最痛》之時,卻遇上自己一生中的最痛。今年 2月 16日,尹志強不幸病逝,米雪向劇組請假整理情緒,一天後旋即投入工作。


    Life's cruel twist of fate, during Michelle's filming of <<Beauty knows no Pain>>, she encounters one of her most painful period in her life. On 16 February this year, Yin ZhiJiang passed away from his illness, Michelle took leave from the filming to settle her emotions, and returned the very next day to continue filming.

    "The most painful time I would encounter would be the death of my love ones, for example, my boyfriend who recently passed away." However, regardless of the intensity of the pain, we will still have to face it, From the book <<Life's Aesthetics>>, Michelle encourages everyone with : [Dealing with pain, all the theories about dealing with life and death will not apply here, it is for example, if you get slapped by someone, you will feel the pain. We can only accept the pain, it does not mean if you are strong, you will not feel the pain. Face the pain, facing death is the same time, tears, worries are all part of being human. However in the midst of this pain, we can still maintain a positive attitude towards life.] -- Referring to <<Life's Aesthetics>> chapter four: Accepting the pain.

  米雪續說:「不知是不是我性格樂天,生老病死是人生必經,事情發生是有心理準備。二十幾歲那時爸爸離世,還不會想傷心,到幾年前我媽媽不在了,也是好痛,年輕時要賺錢顧家,現在什麽都安定了,想給他們有好日子過,過天倫樂,誰知好象已沒機會了! 」
  正當大家還擔心米雪的體力和精神是否撐得住,米雪便用身體語言告訴大家「我很好」,還衷心感謝各位同事關心,她說:「我知道同事疼愛我,我都不想他們擔心,當大家見到我拍劇時的表現,就知道我不會有事,也不會擔心我有事,拍拍肩膀問候一句,其實已經明白。 」米雪還理性地、勇敢地面對傷痛:「就算我留在家裏,休息一個星期,又如何?之後我不會停止傷心,過幾日我還是要面對,那為何我不回到自己的工作崗位?第一,工作可以填滿我的時間同思想空間;第二,我想盡快完成工作,對我來講休息一天已經夠! 」

    Michelle continued with [I am not sure if it is because I am an optimist, sickness and death are part of life, I was mentality prepared for this event to happen. My father passed away when I was twenty, back then, I don't even think about grieving, until a few years ago, my mother passed away, it was also very painful for me. When I was younger, I had to make money to feed the family, now that everything has stabilized, I wanted to give them a better life, but it is not possible any more!]

    It is when everyone is worried if Michelle is able to physically and mentality carry on, Michelle's body language seems to be assuring everyone that "I am okay",  she is thankful to all her colleagues who showed their concern for her, she said [I know my colleague loves me, I don't want them to worry about me, to those who saw my performance during the filming of the serial will know that I am okay, don't worry about me. ] Michelle has been courageous and rational in facing the loss :[Even if I remain at home, take off for a week, then what? That doesn't stop me from feeling the loss, I will still have to face it sooner or later, if that is the case, why don't I return back to work? Reason number one, work can fill up my time and my mind, number two, I want to finish my work as soon as possible. To me, one day's rest is more than enough!]



    During the time, work is the remedy, other than temporarily forgetting the pain, her professionalism towards her work as an actress is equally important. She said : [ Personal life and work should not be placed together, I try my best not to trouble others, if I take the time off, there will be many others who will have to wait for me in other to complete their work, my colleagues also have their work to complete, no one is obligated to share the burdens of your problems, for example, if someone is late, that will cause the entire group to wait, and that is not good! Whatever the case, it is best not to trouble others.] Even though Michelle is hurting inside, she is still able to spare a thought for others, well deserving of one's respect for her.

    We are just human, no matter how strong we appear on the outside, we cannot hide pain inside. Michelle will only allow herself to grieve when she is alone, so as to not affect others. [ I am an optimist, it was him (boyfriend), before he died,  we had an agreement, he just wants me to be happy so that he doesn't have to worry about me, because he knows that I will be able to cope just fine.] Michelle tries many ways to explain the reason of her boyfriend's passing, hoping to find closure and release from it, she said : [ Actually I feel as if he is still around, just that he is somewhere far away, in the past, we had a very relax and easy relationship, if I am gone for a month for work, I will call him, as long as we love each other, it will do. Furthermore, he is also very busy and so am I, our characteristic is as such, therefore, marriage to us is just a formality, a marriage certificate is just a piece of paper to us, it hold no meaning. We are not children, we are also not after each other's assets, both of us just want each other to be happy, we both like this type of lifestyle, he knows that I am very busy, that is why he doesn't worry about me.]


Michelle and her boyfriend have been in love for many years, both trusted and cared for each other, the only thing lacking is a marriage certificate.


  除了拍戲賺錢,米雪不停做義工、做善事,她說:「我好想開公司,做環保,環保再用物件或者工人,一些沒人用的東西回收再轉贈給有須要的人,失業的人,可以培訓再工作,總之幫到人的事我都好想做。 」

Concentrate on her career

    The deceased has been laid to rest, the living should continue to live life with a positive attitude. Michelle continues to work, using working to fill up her time, as for her love life, she can only resign to her fate, she says : [ Nowadays I won't ponder on such things, just leave it to fate, let heaven decide. Now I do not needs this, I am most happy at work, even though I can be very busy, to the point of not getting enough rest, but I really enjoyed it, I will find happiness is sorrow, happiness in my hectic schedule. ]

    Other than making money from acting, Michelle continues with her charity work, she said : [ I always wanted start a company dealing in recycling, recycle stuffs that others do not want, repair or recondition it and give it to those who needs it. Recycle people, those who have lost their jobs, retrain them so that they can go back into the workforce, as long as it helps people, I would want to do it. ]

    You really have to admire Michelle,  she never allowed herself to wallow in her grief, believing in a positive attitude in living life to the fullest. From Michelle, it seems to radiate a message, telling everyone, don't be afraid of pain, be brave and face it and you will overcome it.

重現經典(Represent the classics)


  Don in period costume, Michelle, who looks much like before in 1976 when she first shot to fame in the serial <<Condor shooting hero>>, becoming Hong Kong's first Huang Rong, Till today, she can still easily fill the role like before, one easily forgets that it has been 30 years. This proves that as long as the heart is beautiful, one's appearance will also reflect it as well.

重遇舊拍檔  2008年 (Former acting partners 2008)
米雪憑《家好月圓》榮登視後寶座, 30年前舊拍檔白彪任頒獎嘉賓時,驚嘆不老黃蓉,風采更勝當年 (Based on <<Moonlight Resonance>>, Michelle won the best actress award, her old on-screen partner was there to present the award.)

黃蓉爭仔戰  2010年




  高齡懷孕夫有外遇米雪飾演的汪海鯨,是國際化妝及護膚品牌的高級品牌經理,一人之下萬人之上的女強人,有家財千萬的老公(林嘉華飾),還於事業高峯期懷孕,本來萬千寵愛在一身,可惜同樣天意弄人,米雪說:「所以說不同時間有不同需要,戲里面是做女強人,兩公婆事業有成,年輕時協議不要小朋友,到年紀大又有不同想法,於是博老命去生,大住個肚才發現自己老公有外遇,還要面對離婚問題,幾重打擊,這個角色同時間要接受多種痛,真是幾難受,其實這個角色反映現在的社會問題,好多時女性遇到問題,都不願意跟人講,有困難都會強忍,而家庭破裂對於女人嚟講就是最痛。 」

Experiencing different kind of pain in real life and reel life

    In both real and reel life, Michelle has to experience different kind of pain, the pressure of doing so is unimaginable by most, when her boyfriend passed away, she has to accept the pain of a love one passing away, at the same time, she has to experience her character Wang Hai Jing's pain of a career woman who suffered a failed marriage while she is pregnant in the serial <<Beauty knows no pain>>.

    Michelle acts as a career woman Wang Hai Jing, who is in the high level management of a multi-national cosmetic and skin care company, acting as her millionaire husband is Lin Jia Hua. She decided to have a child at the height of her career, putting her character into the high risk pregnancy bracket for late pregnancy. The couple was suppose to be loving but as in real life, fate has other plans. Michelle said : [ Different situation calls for different solution, in the serial, I am a successful career woman, both husband and wife have successful careers. While they were young, they didn't want any children, but as they aged, their thinking changed, thus decided to take a gamble and have a late pregnancy. However during her pregnancy, she discovered that her husband is having and affair and now has to face the prospect of a divorce, the problems came one after another, the character has to experience so many kind of pain at the same time, it is really hard. Actually this role is a reflection of the problem we face in society today, usually when a woman faced a problem, she is unwilling to discuss with others, she will just bear with it, in fact to a woman, a broken family is the most painful thing. ]




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