2003年2月,米雪接受香港电台的访问,而访问她的那两位DJ,是与米雪同年代的朋友,而女主持自米雪在佳视时期已是朋友。当然他们对米雪最深印象是她演黄蓉这角色,试问哪个年纪之人怎会忘记黄蓉就是米雪,米雪则是黄蓉呢!加上米雪笑起来露出洁白的兔子牙,可爱又亲切,只可以用娇俏可人来形容。但是米雪却有点意外他们仍记得她演的黄蓉(连我都记得,他们哪有理由忘记?) 男主持说:“还有就是印象深的问题,我们看电视都看了不少了,积起来都20~30年,要记得的剧集真是不多,而金庸的剧也只记得一二部而已,而这种戏又重复又重复地拍了许多次,黄蓉这个角色都有好多人演过,但印象最深的却独独是你,说明对你的印象实在太深了。” 米雪说拍射雕时一定带着原著,因那剧关系太复杂,黄蓉对着师父讲一种话,对着父亲讲另一种话,对着郭靖又一种话,加上跳拍,没有完整的剧本给他们看,加上当时的剧本都很忠于原著,所以好多时是看回原著最清楚发生什么事。接拍那剧时她才第一次看武侠小说,而《射雕英雄传》更是她第一套看的武侠小说,初时睡前看,看到有幕讲在阴风轻轻中走来走去,好惊,整晚睡不着。在拍那剧的过程中,米雪觉得黄蓉帮了她很多,使她知道对着不同人要用不同的方式来得到你所求,如对着父亲要用嗲的,想师父教武功要做几个好菜给他吃的,全都是要讨好人的,见人讲人话;见鬼讲鬼话。她说:“见到郭靖就是我可以欺负的,但见父亲就不能欺负,反而他欺负我,所以就用嗲了。以至在那段时间我对我妈说:‘你不用教你女儿了,那套剧已帮你教了我了,你不用怕我学坏,根本没时间给我学坏’。这过程中我学会怎样古灵精怪、怎样氹人、怎样骗人、怎样劝人,看小说原来可以教到我许多做人之道。当时我只有十多岁,但是已经很成熟了,觉得人生如戏;戏如人生。这剧是我人生的速成,在做人上,在工作上黄蓉帮了我好多。” 当时的剧多是一路拍剧,一路出街的(指该剧在播出),射雕亦不例外,拍了半年有多,亦是对米雪的人生最重要的半年,共60集。不过在射雕开拍前做了三个月的准备,就是要他们学会打,学会怎样对着三部摄影机,但当时对米雪来说最辛苦就是打了。米雪说:“我最记得当时是曾江管我们这班新人的,他做导演及监制,一个月后他叫我们男男女女在他面前打给他看。看后他说: ‘怎么女的都打得姐手姐脚?……怎么人家成你们不成呀?其实学的都是一样的东西’。我们站在那里听他骂,我当时就觉得:是啊,为何我不成呀?那些打得很美的女人之前也是不会的。所以我就日练、死练,今日踢腿踢不到人家的眼,我就踢100下,一路一路加上去,终于让我踢到。由早上9点练到晚上5点,有时到7点,初时连过马路那一级都走不到,要抱着腿上去……我觉得我交到功课就在打方面。……我学会忍、学会毅力、恒心。”
米雪今日做人那么好,是否取自黄蓉? Copyright 2003-2030 (C) www.michelleyim.com 米記雪韻 All rights reserve HOW WONG YONG AFFECTS MICHELLE
On February, Michelle received an interview with 2 hosts from HK
TELEVISION BROADCAST. The 2 hosts were of the same age with Michelle, and
the hostess had known Michelle since CTV. Both of them had a deep
impression of Michelle casting as Wong Yong , the female lead in the novel
Legend of Condor Heroes. As Wong Yong, Michelle was cute and pretty too.
When she smiles, her bugs bunny teeth will be seen, as if to melt
everyone’s heart. However, this beauty was stunned to find out that they
still remember her as Wong Yong. The
male host said, “ We have watched a lot of TV series, added up almost to
20, 30 years. There is abundant of drama we had watched, and we just
remember Louis Cha’s masterpiece for one or two more only. LOCH has been
for umpteen times, and many have acted Wong Yong before, but we just
simply can’t forget your image of Wong Yong. When it comes to speak of
Wong Yong, all we remember is you.” Michelle
revealed LOCH was basically based on the original work. As that drama
concerns a lot of relationships, for e.g., like how Wong Yong speaks to
her teacher was different from her speaking to her father and Guo Jing.
Sometimes the scenario was changed to another scene. LOCH had helped her
to get in touch with sword fighting novel. Wong Yong, this character had
helped her a lot. For example, different people require different speaking
tone. Like she has to act cute when it comes to be with her father, and
when it comes to her teacher, she will have to do various ways to please
him. “As for Guo Jing, I will be the one to bully him.. HA.. ”From the
process, this beauty has learned how to be well-behaved, how to console
others, how to trick others.. LOCH seems to be the one to teach Michelle a
lot of life philosophy. Sword
fighting drama is not an easy job to film. The actors and actresses will
have to learn how to “fight”. They will also have to match up with the
director. To Michelle, fighting was a tedious job for her. The males, were
fighting bravely, as for the females, they were said to be weak and
feeble. Needless to say, Michelle was one of them. The director even had
her scolded. POOR MICHELLE! “Why some of them can fight / kick so well?
Why can’t I?”, She thought,. From that day onwards, Michelle began to
practise kicking / fighting. She tried very hard, until she succeeds Michelle said, “I must say that it is because of LOCH which affects me. Many directors, drama editor, actresses and actors love me dearly. Must be the prank I had played…”
Copyright (C) www.michelleyim.com 米記雪韻 All rights reserve