米雪 笑聲的感動 Michelle Laughter's touch |
令你霎時感動可能是一個小故事、一句說話,但它可為逆境帶來曙光,為迷失的人帶來繼續向前的力量。 |
*推出文字版《霎時感動》,TVB周刊特別邀請米雪親筆寫下我的「霎時感動」,與讀者分享。 小孩與狗
最近,聽了一個小孩與狗的故事和看了一本小孩與狗的繪本小說,都教我深深感動。 聽了故事,到書局找《小孩與狗》這本書來看,但意外買回來的,不是聽回來的故事,而是音樂人韋然寫的另一本同名小說《小孩與狗》。
《小孩與狗》寫一個孤獨寡言小孩和一隻機靈小狗的友情,畫出了小孩踏過的路,見證了歲月的成長……一個只有小狗為伴的童年,原來,是可以很令人感動的。 這兩個小故事,都很平凡,教人感動,也許是這兩則小故事中滲出的關懷和愛,而這種關愛,正是大愛之源,也是感動人的基因。 希望這世界有更多感動他人的故事!
(俏黃蓉是米雪的成名作,為了演好這個角色,她下了不少工夫Michelle shot to fame for her role as "Huang Rong", she put in a lot of effort for this role.)
第五章:二人之玩笑 尹佬出事時,我剛接拍《溏心風暴之家好月圓》,當時我說不拍劇來陪他,他說不好,我拍戲給與他推動力繼續治病,況且他知我是工作狂,喜歡工作,兩個人都想兩全其美,站在對方的立場去著想。那時我工作忙,周圍走,有時忙到幾日沒時間探他,有時工作太辛苦,太 累,想偷懶休息,等明天才探他,遇到這種情況或起了這種想法,也會令我覺得很內疚。不過這些都是小事,最緊要是他身體健康,見到他病,感覺就像媽媽見到自己的BB病,情願病的是自己,不想BB辛苦,我也有這種想法。 兩個人相處,吵鬧肯定有,只是到了這個時候,吵來幹甚麼?一切都以他健康為主。幸好我倆都是樂天的人,既然事情發生了,便樂觀去面對。他要做物理治療,當時他好 累,做不到復康動作,他說:「做十下可以嗎?」,我話:「不成!做三十下!」兩個人好似講數一樣,好好笑。那時我逗他高興,而他康復每一步亦給我很大推動力,彼此依靠,互相支持,度過難關。 這件事讓我學識忍讓、為對方設想,還有要樂觀面對,現在我更有信心當起別人社工,因為我也經歷過。
第六章 : 駐顏妙法 剛完成的《宮心計》只有一個字來形容-[靚],頭靚、衫靚、景靚、人靚,最緊要劇本靚,由於劇本太靚,對白太文雅,要花好長時間去背書,所以我同戲的演員一樣,一有時間就會拿劇本去背,好彩現在總算捱過。 現在我開始拍攝另一套民初新劇《五味人生》,故事裏面,我因一次意外大受打擊而失憶,由一個豪門太太變回一個思想只有二十幾歲的少女。拍這套戲令我好開心,因為這套是喜劇,很多情節對白都很輕鬆搞笑,而且我還做一個只有二十歲的少女。現在我以少女打扮出現化妝間,有人還問:“那個少女是誰?”髮型師及化妝師幫我改了個花名,叫我“卜卜趣”(美少女之意),哄得我好開心。
Michelle Laughter's touch
story or even a word can suddenly touched you, like a beacon, it shines a
light into the darkness, giving strength to lost to carry on. That is the
objective of TVB‘s production "One from the heart". Inviting people from all
walks of life, be it a person or a story, based on one's own life experience
or be in the form of a story, share the emotions and feelings, in doing so,
present the truth of one's character. *For the publication of "One from the heart", TVB magazine specially invited me to pen down Michelle story of "One from the heart" to share with the readers. The boy and the dog Recently I heard of a story about a little boy and a dog, at the same time, I read a novel about a little boy and a dog. I was very touched by both stories. I heard the story of the boy and the dog from my friends. There was a little boy who loves dogs, he would go to the pet shop to see the puppies, but as his family was too poor to afford a dog, he could only long for one in his heart. One day, the boy saw a very special dog in the pet shop. From that day forth, the little boy would go to the pet shop every day to visit the dog. Even though they were separated by the metal fence, the relationship between the boy and this dog strengthens with each passing day. This caught the attention of the owner of the pet shop, who looked down on the poor little boy, doubting if the little boy will ever have the money to pay for the dog.
though dog is not expensive, but to a boy from a poor family, it is still
a very big amount. The boy asked and pleaded with his mother and
eventually, he obtained his mother's permission to keep a dog. The little
boy starting saving all of his daily allowance, no matter how difficult
it gets, he still manages to save the money. However when the little boy
tried to buy the dog from the pet shop, the pet shop refuses to sell it.
The little boy rolled up his pant leg, pointing at his leg, he told the shop owner that he is also a cripple, he wants to take care of the crippled dog. The shop owner was touched by what the little boy said and sold the dog to the boy at a lower price. After hearing the story, I went to the book store to look for this book, but the book that I bought was not the story that I have heard, it was a novel with the same title but different story by the musician WeiRan (韦然). The novel "A boy and a dog" is about the friendship between a lonely boy and a clever dog. It tells of the boy's journey through life, the hardship that he faces as he grows into a young adult with only his dog for company. This story is really moving. Maybe it is because I cry easily, whenever I read about family ties, mothers who raised little kids, distant relatives who loves and brought up the child, a dog who is the child's only companion, grew up together and later the dog passed away from old age. As I read about the boy withholding his tears as he stands next to the grave of his dog, I too could not hold back my tears.
though both these stories are very common, they are also very touching,
maybe it is the love and concern that is shown in the story, this
expression of concern came from love, it is also the source of what
emotionally touches a person. Chapter 1 : The strength of family ties
of us experience different things when we are growing up, sometimes when I
talk to my friends, they will always mention about things that they lack
while growing up. Now that they are working, they will strive for more power
and prestige to make up for the things that they lacked when they were
young. For myself, I just wish that time will stop at my childhood, wishing
that I don't have to grow up. Chapter 2 : My brother the detective My eldest brother is a teacher, back home, he would take over the role of a teacher from my working mom, to educate us. One day, my second elder brother and I went home after school, waiting for us at home was my eldest brother, he picked up our shoes, looked at the soles and then said to us "Why didn't you two come back home after school but went cycling instead?" At that time I was surprised how my eldest became a detective, just by looking at the soles of our shoe, he would know that we went cycling. Until today, I still do not know how to cycle, how could I be cycling then? But of course, I understand that mom put the responsibility of educating us on my brother, he is just being a responsible brother.
There was a time when he knew that my maths result was not good, he kept
tutoring me on math, eventually I scores 100 marks for that subject. Even
though there are areas in my brother's disciplinary methods that can be
improved on, but his dedication to this responsibility is worthy for me to
learn from him. The positive things that I have learn from him, I will also
pass it down to the younger generation.
is not easy to act in a martial arts movie. When you throw a punch, how much
strength should go into a punch, what kind of expression should go with the
punch? Shortly after I joined the industry, I had a role as "Huang Rong" in
the TV serial "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". As this is my first martial
arts film, all the actors including myself had to undergo a special month
long martial arts training. One month later, the instructor asked that we
execute the moves that we had learned, who would had realize that everyone
executed the moves very badly causing the instructor to shout and scold
everyone of us, that was one of the worst scolding that I have ever received
in my life.
Chapter 4 : The tireless martial artist. During the 70s, there was a period of time when I was acting in both the movie and TV serials, the TV station will also cast me as host for variety shows on travelling, my work was lined up for me, non stopped. In my heart, I thought that even if I do not need to sleep, I will still not be able to finish all the work lined up for me. Back then, I would work every single day of the week, no matter if it was a day shift or a night shift I will always see a certain martial artist on the set. As I am the leading actress, I need to appear in every scene of the film, but what about him? Doesn't he need to rest either? He then told me, "I have a younger sister who is still schooling, my father is sick, my mother needs the money for household expenses. If I don't act, how can I pay the bills? As long as someone is willing to let me work, even if I do not get to rest, I will continue to work, even so, that does not guarantee that I will get the opportunity to work. Now that there is work for me to do, shouldn’t I be giving it my all to work?”
opportunity that others can only dream about, has been placed right before
what he said to me jolted me awake, I must cherish every opportunity that I
can get. Thus whenever I get offers to film a movie, a TV serial or even
attend a variety show, as long as the time permits, I will accept them all.
Not a lot of people get such opportunities like I had.
(拍《溏心風暴之家好月圓》期間,米雪要拍戲跟照顧男友,雖然身兼兩職,但亦憑劇集的精采演出,成為視后。Whilst filming "Moonlight Resonance", Michelle had to straddle her time between the filiming and caring for her boyfriend. Despite the dual role, she manages to deliver an outstanding performance and clinches the Best Actress award)
Chapter 5: Our personal laughs My boyfriend, Wan Chi Keung and I are like social workers among our circle of friends. Whenever they have problems at work, problems in their love life, they would like to consult us and ask us for a resolution. Once a friend told me "If the needle doesn't prick your skin, you won't know the pain. Unless it happens to you, do you still think the problem can so easily be sovled? This time, it really happened to me. When Wan Chi Keung fell sick, I just got the offer to film "Moonlight Resonance". I wanted to turn down the role, but he said not to. He said that by me continuing to act, it gives him the motivation and determination to get better. He also knows that I am a workaholic, I love to act, both of us wants to have our cakes and eat it too and we would consider the situation from each other’s point of view. I was busy with my work, having to move about. There are days when I was so busy that I did not have the time to visit him. Some days when I was very tired, I had the thought of wanted to postpone the visitation to the next day. Whenever I had such thoughts because of I was too tired from working, I would also feel a tinge of regret. However, these are all small matters in life, whenever I see him sick, I would feel like a mother looking at her own sick baby, wishing that it was the me who is suffering and not the baby. When two people are in a relationship, there will definitely be disagreements, however, at this point in time, what is there to disagree about? Everything should be about his health. Fortunately for both of us, we are both optimistic people, since the matter has already happened; we will face it with a positive attitude. He needs to undergo physical therapy, sometimes when he does not have the strength to carry out the exercises, he would asked "May I just do ten?" I would replied "No way! You need to do thirty!" It feels like we are bargaining with each other, we find it quite comical. I would do my best to cheer him up, make him happy whilst every step that he takes towards recovery gives me the motivation to carry on, we depend on each other, encouraging each other through these difficult times. From this incident, I learn the meaning of tolerance, to be considerate of each other and to have a positive attitude in times of difficulties. Now I have even more confidence in helping others, because I have experience it for myself.
(米雪一向被說駐顔有術,在新劇《五味人生》中,飾演一名二十多歲的少女,當然不會難得她Michelle is well known for maintaining her youthful looks, in the show <Five Flavors of Life>, she has no problems fulfilling the role of a twenty year old girl.) Chapter 6 : Secret of being beautiful I have just completed the filming of the TV serial "Beyond the Realm of Conscience" and there is only one word that I can use to describe the show, "beautiful". The head dress is beautiful, the costumes are beautiful, the sceneries are beautiful, the people are beautiful, most importantly, the script is beautiful. But because the script is too beautiful, the dialogs are very elegantly phrased, thus a lot of time is needed to memorized the script. Resulting in all the actors, including myself, with whatever free time we may have, memorizing the script. It is good thing that the filming is finally over. I have started filming for another TV serial titled "Five Flavors of Life", in the show, I had an accident which causes me to lose my memory. I went from the wife of a wealthy man to a woman who only has the memories of a twenty year old. I was very happy to act in this serial, because this is a light hearted drama, the scenes and dialogs are very light hearted and comical plus I am acting as a twenty year old young lady. Nowadays when I am in costume as a young lady walking out from the changing room, strangers will asked "who is that beautiful young lady?". The hairdresser and makeup artist gave me a nickname, "young lady", that made me very happy. Actually, there is a connection between a person's appearance and his mindset. Problems exist everyday of our lives, if you worry every single day, it will show on your face. I am a person who does not have much worries in my life. Everyone will definitely face some problems in their life, no one can run away from it, so why go looking for more problems. One should instead be looking for solutions to these problems, and solve the problem as quickly as possible so as to not have to worry about it any further. Come to think about it, I have never been upset over my work, firstly I am a workaholic, the more work there is for me, the happier I feel. Secondly, I always look for solution to deal with my problems, therefore, why would I need to worry for?
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