
Chronicles of The Shadow Swordman

  雪——雲         劉松仁——張丹楓




In 1985, ATV filmed an adaptation of Liang Yusheng’s wuxia novel, “Chronicles of the Shadow Swordman”, a romantic novel with a touch of history and the realism of the wuxia world. Fans of Michelle Yim and Damian Lau would immediate recognize this as a must watch classic serial of theirs.
    In the show, the hero, Zhang DanFeng unexpectedly met a young woman, YunLei. She is highly skilled in martial arts, clever and quick witted with a kind heart. They have mutual admiration for each other, and as they gradually fell in love, they discovered to their horror, of their family’s feud.
YunLei’s grandfather, an official in the Ming dynasty, and her father were persecuted by Zhang DanFeng’s father, suffered tremendously and died a tragic death. The burden of revenge fell upon YunLei’s shoulder to avenge her family honor. Zhang DanFeng and YunLei’s relationship then transpired into a heart wrenching story of love, of hate and of revenge.
Regardless if you are or are not their fan, when you watch their performance together as Zhang DanFeng and YunLei. Their performance of a heart wrenching love hate relationship, their joys and their sorrows will draw you in, causing you to laugh and cry with them.

 《萍蹤俠影錄》相關報道:  1  2 3








插曲:愛的懲罰  by 羅家良

懲罰我諸多思慮 錯不在愛得太醉

不錯是情濃 錯于太被動


無論我心想怎樣 更多夢再三破碎

怎說是無緣 卻因愛受罪


我伸手狂呼向天指 悲憤后教人兩眼垂

難道必須因此流眼淚 提示我咎由自取

其實我身心早已累 我心願卻不散去

雙眼在遙遙 向她再望望



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